How to Sell on eBay: A Guide to Creating and Managing Listings

Marketplace Strategies
How to Sell on eBay: A Guide to Creating and Managing Listings

Many sellers are hesitant to get started selling on eBay, but did you know that eBay has a larger audience than all other peer-to-peer reselling marketplaces combined? 


eBay is so complex with so many features. Many sellers are a bit overwhelmed with navigating eBay. These complexities are opportunities to increase sales.


eBay is the largest and most lucrative online reselling marketplace, with 182 million users worldwide. 🌏 


Main Takeaways

  • Maximize Visibility: Listing items daily, executing item specifics, and utilizing eBay's promotional tools can significantly increase your listing's exposure and sales potential.
  • Understand Fees: Familiarize yourself with eBay's fee structure, including insertion, final value, and optional promotional fees, to price your items competitively while maintaining profitability.
  • Upgrade Your Subscription: As your business grows, consider upgrading your eBay account type and subscription to take advantage of lower fees, promotional opportunities, and additional business tools.
  • Excellent Customer Service: Providing exceptional customer service and adhering to eBay's strict policies can enhance your reputation and protect your seller account.
  • Utilize Vendoo: Simplify cross-listing and inventory management with Vendoo, ensuring items are delisted automatically when sold, thus avoiding potential conflicts and enhancing efficiency.


You might also like the article: 10 Great Marketplaces Every Reseller Should Consider


As a Poshmark Seller, I was initially a bit overwhelmed when I started selling on eBay. The interface, complicated listing form, and confusing shipping process intimidated me. I wondered why it had to be so complicated.  Now I get it. It is not that complicated; it just offers that many selections to maximize visibility and profit! 


eBay has the most buyers, the most seller tools, and the most selling categories. It is the resale powerhouse, and if you’re not already, it is time for you to start selling on eBay.


Here is a basic overview and a step-by-step on the first steps to get started!


Why Become an eBay Seller? 

 eBay is the beast of all reselling marketplaces. Becoming an eBay seller comes with an array of opportunities, including:

  • A Huge Audience (182 Million Users)
  • Simple International Shipping
  • A Broad Range of Categories
  • Lower Selling Fees
  • Decent Customer Service 
  • Seller Resources and Analytics
  • A Mobile Application
  • Different Tiers of Membership (Subscriptions)
  • Various Shipping Options
  • The Ability to Promote Listings
  • Different Listing Types (Auctions or Fixed Price)


💡 Tip: The eBay app is awesome, but to use all the features available, check out the website on a desktop or laptop. The desktop website provides extra tools such as making batch offers to watchers or batch editing your listings all at once.


Basics to Know Before You Start Selling on eBay

Getting started on eBay can seem daunting due to its complexity and numerous features. However, this complexity is what makes eBay such a powerful platform for resellers. 

Understanding the basics of selling on eBay will help you navigate the marketplace with confidence and maximize your sales potential. Here are some essential tips and insights to help you begin your eBay selling journey with ease:


Don’t Be Intimidated

eBay is notorious for being the most complex and difficult platform to use. Many newbies are anxious to start listing, and even seasoned resellers hesitate to cross-list on the marketplace. Remember that eBay is the largest global e-commerce reselling marketplace with the most opportunity. Millions of buyers are successful on eBay, and you will be, too. Today is the right time to start selling on eBay. You’ve got this!


Change your perspective: eBay's intricate processes are just opportunities disguised as obstacles! While the requirements are more demanding, they are infinitely more rewarding, with ample opportunities for subscriptions, services, exposure, and an array of business tools to support sales and growth!


Did you know that with Vendoo, you can crosslist your items to eBay in just seconds? 🚀


Do Your Research

 eBay is not all that difficult to use once you become familiar with the platform, which takes both research and experience. Learning the ins-and-outs of eBay will help you to navigate the marketplace.


As with all marketplaces, learning the rules before you start selling is important. Be sure to carefully review eBay’s terms of service and seller protection information. eBay is strict


Here are the basics to know before you get started selling on eBay: 


What Can You Sell on eBay? 

 You can sell (almost) anything on eBay, from clothing to cars and even parcels of land. The permitted items list is so expansive that it is easier to list what you can’t sell on eBay. eBay is a global platform, and you can easily sell items to buyers all over the world through the Global Shipping Program.


What Are eBay Fees In 2024?

The short answer is approximately 15%, but it varies.


Unlike many other resale platforms, eBay offers competitive selling fees. Here is an overview of fees, credits, and invoices on eBay. eBay’s selling fees depend on your membership, store status, item, and the buyer’s payment method, but they might include an insertion fee, a final value fee, and any elective promotional fees


  •  Insertion fees are synonymous with “listing fees”. When you sign up for eBay, you will receive an allocation of “zero insertion fee listings” per month; for basic users (without a store subscription), you can list up to 250 free items each month.
  • Final value fees are standard commission fees at time of sale. For most categories, they’re ten percent of the sale price (including any amounts that buyers pay for shipping). 
  • Promotional fees are optional, but not that optional if you actually want to make many sales. 


💡 Tip: Promote your listings! You can promote all of your listings and will only have to pay the extra promoted listing fee if the item sells directly from the promotion.


How Does Shipping Work on eBay?

 eBay offers many different listing and shipping options for sellers. While the extensive selections may seem overwhelming, they provide the seller so much control.  


There are many shipping choices for eBay sellers. eBay allows sellers to create custom business policies for their listings that encompass all of their preferences as far as carriers and services. eBay provides more control and flexibility for shipping than any other marketplace. With the new eBay International shipping program, worldwide sales have never been easier!


We could write an entire article on eBay shipping; in fact, we did! To learn everything you need to know about shipping on eBay, check out the article Shipping on eBay for Beginners


What is the Difference Between eBay Auctions and Buy It Now Listings?

 On eBay, listings can be sold for a fixed price or auction style, with additional options such as “Buy it Now”, “Best Offer”, and “Good Til Canceled” (for store subscriptions). Here is an excellent resource to explore the different options and strategize about which might be best for your items!


💡 Tip:  Selling items via auction is a great way to maximize profit for your items, as prospective buyers may bid up the price! Don’t worry; you can set a minimum threshold to ensure that you yield at least your bottom line!




How to Sell on eBay Step-By-Step

Selling on eBay can be a highly rewarding experience, offering access to a vast audience and a myriad of tools to boost your sales. 

Here is a comprehensive step-by-step guide to creating and managing your eBay listings effectively:


1. Create an Account

To start selling on eBay, you need to sign up for an account. Visit the eBay website and click on the "Register" button. You'll need to provide some personal information and verify your identity to activate the selling features. 


There are two types of accounts: personal and business. A personal account is suitable for casual sellers, while a business account is recommended if you plan to sell in volume or operate as a registered business. Setting up a business account involves additional steps, such as providing your business details and VAT information if applicable.


2. Set Up Your Seller Profile

A well-crafted seller profile can build trust and attract buyers. Choose a professional username and write a clear and engaging bio that highlights your selling experience and what buyers can expect from you. This step helps establish credibility and encourages buyers to choose your listings over others.


3. Research Your Item

Before listing your item, research similar items on eBay to understand competitive pricing, popular keywords, and market demand. This research will help you set a realistic price and optimize your listing for better visibility.


💡Tip: Vendoo has integrated the eBay Product Research Tool which provides insights and pricing recommendation for your items. 


4. Take High-Quality Photos

Photos are crucial in attracting buyers. Take clear, well-lit photos from multiple angles to showcase your item accurately. High-quality images can reduce buyer questions and increase the likelihood of a sale. 


💡Tip: Provide images of every angle, tag, feature, and flaw. This not only provides buyer confidence but also seller protection. 


5. Create Detailed, Optimized Listings

When creating your listing, fill out all the required and optional fields with as much detail as possible. eBay's item specifics include everything from material content to product identifiers, and these fields are searchable. Providing detailed information will generate more exposure, interest, and purchases. Additionally, write clear and concise item descriptions using relevant keywords to improve search engine optimization and visibility.


💡 Tip: Your descriptions on eBay do not yield in the search: your SEO (search engine optimization) relies heavily on your title and item specific fields. 


You may also like: How to Create Product Listings That Sell on eBay and Poshmark


6. Choose the Listing Format

eBay offers two main listing formats: auction-style and fixed-price. Auction-style listings can maximize profit if there is high demand for your item, while fixed-price listings provide immediate sales at a set price. Choose the format that best suits your item and selling strategy.


7. Set Your Price

Price your item competitively based on the research you conducted earlier. Consider eBay's fees when setting your price to ensure you still make a profit after the deductions. 


Did you know Vendoo has an eBay Price Checker Tool to help you price your items to sell?

Join today to enjoy the feature!

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8. Specify Shipping Details

eBay provides various shipping options. Set realistic shipping costs and choose the carriers and services that best fit your business needs. You can create custom business policies for your shipping preferences, offering more control and flexibility.


9. Create a Return Policy

A clear return policy can increase buyer confidence. Outline your return terms in accordance with eBay's guidelines, specifying the conditions under which returns are accepted and who bears the return shipping costs.


10. Review and Publish Your Listing

Before publishing your listing, review it for accuracy and completeness. Make sure all details are correct and that the photos are clear. Once the listing is live, respond to potential buyer inquiries promptly to maintain good customer service and increase the chances of a sale.


Tips to Boost eBay Sales

Navigating the complexities of eBay can be daunting, but with the right strategies, you can turn these challenges into opportunities for growth. Below are some essential tips to help you maximize your sales and enhance your overall selling experience on the platform:


List Items Daily

eBay is a daily commitment. For best results, you want to list items daily. Remember, it takes only seconds to cross-list with Vendoo

So, get your items up, but do so steadily over the course of several days, instead of all at once. This consistent daily activity will help you to get started and maximize your reach. 


Provide Amazing Customer Service

eBay is much more business-like than some of the other reselling marketplaces which more closely resemble social media forums. eBay provides the largest global e-commerce platform, the most exposure and visibility, the largest array of business tools and resources, and an advanced customer service and seller protection team. With eBay's power comes seller responsibility. To be frank, eBay does not tolerate some “bad behaviors” that one might get away with elsewhere. 


💡 Tip: You can dispute buyer feedback on eBay, which is one of the many ways you are protected as a seller.


Failing to follow the rules, listing prohibited items, canceling sales, excessive return requests for items not as described, and bad reviews will all jeopardize your eBay business. While mistakes happen, take extra care to ensure that they don’t. “Defects” can affect your seller score, your membership fees, your listing limits, and your account standing.


💡 Tip: If you are cross-listing your inventory, remove your item from eBay immediately after it sells somewhere else, as canceling an eBay sale is harmful to your eBay account. Consider Vendoo, which has sale detection and automatic delisting so you never have to worry about this!


Upgrade Your eBay Account Type & Subscription

Once you are more comfortable with eBay, consider upgrading your subscription! There are many types of accounts and subscription tiers on eBay that offer various benefits to you as a reseller, including avoiding insertion fees, promoting items, shipping supplies and discounts, and other business tools and benefits. eBay store subscriptions range from “Starter,” which is an entry-level option for “occasional sellers’ to “Enterprise” for professionals with large catalogs and a high volume. There are additional options for everywhere in between, which are illustrated in detail here.  


While eBay offers a basic account, it is limited. Most eBay sellers concede that you need a store to succeed on the platform. According to eBay, “If you currently sell less than 50 items each month, you probably don’t need a store subscription.” However, as your eBay business grows, consider which store subscription is right for you.


The benefits of having an eBay store include:

  • Lower (or no) insertion fees
  • Discounts on final value fees
  • Promotional offers and the ability to offer a sale
  • Free shipping supplies
  • Discounts of business services
  • Seller insights and business tools
  • Enhanced customer service

💡 Tip: Click here to help determine which store subscription would be best for your reselling business.


Offer Free Shipping

Offering free shipping can significantly enhance your listings on eBay. Buyers often search for items with free shipping because it simplifies the purchasing process and eliminates any unexpected costs at checkout. 


Listings that offer free shipping are given a boost in eBay’s search results, making them more visible to potential buyers. To compensate for the shipping cost, consider incorporating it into the item’s price. This strategy not only makes your listings more attractive but also increases the likelihood of conversion by appealing to buyers who prefer straightforward, all-inclusive pricing.


Utilize eBay Promotions

eBay provides a variety of promotional tools designed to increase the visibility and volume of your sales. These tools include Promoted Listings, markdown sales, and promotional offers:


  • Promoted Listings allow you to pay a fee to have your items featured more prominently in search results, increasing their exposure to potential buyers. 
  • Markdown sales enable you to create discounts and special deals on your products, enticing buyers with attractive pricing.
  • Other Promotional Fields: can be used to incentivize purchases, such as offering a discount on a second item or providing free shipping on orders over a certain amount. 


By strategically using these promotional tools, you can enhance your listings’ visibility, attract more buyers, and ultimately boost your sales on eBay.


Boost eBay Sales with Vendoo

Vendoo simplifies the entire process by allowing you to crosslist items on eBay and other marketplaces with ease. This powerful tool helps you manage your inventory more efficiently, ensuring that items are delisted automatically once sold, thus avoiding potential conflicts and enhancing your seller standing. 


By leveraging Vendoo’s tools, you can save time, reduce manual work, and focus on growing your business. 🚀


Take advantage of Vendoo to maximize your sales efforts on eBay. Start for free today and explore how Vendoo can transform your reselling business.

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eBay Sellers FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about eBay: 


Is Selling on eBay Worth It?

Yes, selling on eBay is worth it for many sellers due to its massive user base and global reach. With 182 million active buyers, eBay offers unparalleled exposure for your products. The platform provides robust tools and resources for sellers, including analytics, promotional features, and seller protection policies. While eBay can be complex to navigate, the potential for high sales volume and profitability makes it an attractive option for resellers.


How Much Does It Cost to Sell Something on eBay?

Approximately 15%, (heavy on the approximately). 

The cost of selling on eBay includes several fees. There is an insertion fee for listing items, but sellers receive a monthly allocation of zero insertion fee listings (usually 250 for non-store subscribers). Additionally, a final value fee is charged when an item sells, typically around 10-15% of the sale price, including shipping. Optional promotional fees may apply if you choose to promote your listings for better visibility. eBay store subscriptions offer various fee structures and benefits, reducing overall costs for high-volume sellers. Understanding these fees helps sellers price items competitively while maintaining profitability.


What Is the Downside of eBay?

While eBay offers many benefits, there are some downsides to consider. The platform can be complex and time-consuming, with detailed listing requirements and various fees that can eat into profits. eBay's strict policies and seller standards can be challenging to navigate, and negative feedback or policy violations can impact your account standing. Additionally, competition is fierce, and standing out among millions of listings requires consistent effort in optimizing listings and providing excellent customer service. Despite these challenges, many sellers find eBay's extensive reach and sales potential worthwhile.


What Sells Best on eBay?

Various items sell well on eBay, with electronics, fashion, collectibles, and home goods being among the top categories. Popular electronics include smartphones, laptops, and gaming consoles. In fashion, branded clothing, shoes, and accessories attract buyers. Collectibles, such as vintage toys, sports memorabilia, and rare coins, also perform well. Home goods, including kitchen appliances, tools, and decor, are in demand. Seasonal items and trending products often see spikes in sales. Conducting market research and staying updated on current trends can help sellers identify and capitalize on high-demand items.


eBay is the best place to sell online. 

Selling on eBay can seem overwhelming at first, but with the right strategies and tools, it becomes a powerful platform to grow your reselling business. From setting up your account and creating optimized listings to providing excellent customer service and utilizing promotional tools, each step is crucial in maximizing your sales potential. By staying consistent, understanding eBay's policies, and leveraging resources like Vendoo, you can streamline your processes and enhance your efficiency. Embrace the opportunities eBay offers and start maximizing your sales today. Happy selling!


What are your best eBay tips? Share with us below! 👇🏽


Ready to sell on multiple marketplaces? Check out our Ultimate Guide to Online Marketplaces for Resellers!

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