How to Create Product Listings For eBay and Poshmark

Marketplace Strategies
How to Create Product Listings For eBay and Poshmark

Every action a person makes is motivated by the need to improve. We purchase goods because we believe they will enhance our lives, in the particular scenario we are living in right now with the pandemic, online selling has increased as much as 35%. This increase is predicted to continue and increase during the following years.


Different actions give people different degrees of satisfaction. Your customer wants to receive as much satisfaction as possible with every purchase. They want to be better off physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. The more your product can satisfy your customer, the more incentive there is to buy. 

Which is why in this blog post, I’d like to talk about some key psychological facts you should take into account when creating product listings to help entice potential customers to make a purchase, as well as make the decision process easy for them


Be easy to find

Use tags with different synonyms for the same item. Test different ways of communicating to find what works for your customers and to be found easier. Each tag you add is an opportunity to be matched with a shopper’s search. The amount of views and likes will show you the impact of the tags that you are using. Keep in mind that if the marketplace you are trying to sell on doesn’t have a tags section, you can always try to add some tags into the title if possible or add the needed tags into the description of the product.


Visual Attention

As customers, we really want to have the same experience as if we were in a physical location or store, being able to touch, feel and check every side of a product is something we don't have the chance of doing when purchasing online. Therefore what we should be doing as resellers, is to resemble this experience as best as we possibly can by taking great product photos, using natural if possible, with a preferably white or light background, without textures or things that might drive the client’s attention away from the item you’re trying to sell. 

Giving them the option to see good quality pictures and the overall visual experience of your store or closet impacts your customer’s impression of your business.


Let the customers have control

Human beings have a deep seeded desire for certainty and control, it makes us feel that we have control of our decisions, we can also control the outcome of them. How can we use this as a benefit to sell more? Well, try to add as much information as you need, put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself: what information do you think you might need in order to make a decision you won't regret? (That might convert in a returned item) of course, keep in mind you want to have a balance between not overwhelming users with information. Create a template that covers specific details like measurements and product condition.


Fear of missing out

The Fear of Missing Out is a psychological phenomenon that triggers when you feel like you are letting an amazing opportunity slip away. The sense of urgency and pushing people to take action is what makes FOMO so effective when giving special offers. For example in marketplaces like eBay, Poshmark, Kidizen or Depop you can send offers to the people that have liked your listing, offers such as free shipping or an extra discount. These types of triggers will most likely entice the potential buyer to not miss an opportunity that won’t probably repeat again.  When you see a product that hasn't sold you can also try to lower the price and let your buyers know, by changing the title of your listing or in particular marketplaces such as eBay, you can turn on a "promotion" or a sales event.


Feel trustworthy 

To your followers, it is really valuable that you update your closet or store on a regular basis, because it gives them a feeling of trust and it shows them that you’re putting an extra effort into your store and the products you sell. If time is an issue for you and it is difficult to be updating your marketplace stores on a constant basis, we recommend using cross-listing platforms that can help you save time, such as Vendoo. You don't really need to post new items, you can even refresh your old listings with the inventory you already have and even if you don't have new inventory it will provide your new followers a sense of constant updates.


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What are your favorite marketplaces to list on? Are there any specific techniques that you believe have worked to sell items faster or drive up your sales? Have you used any of the tips we provide here? Feel free to leave your own tips, comments, or questions below.




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