Bluebox: Wholesale Clothing, Jewelry, Accessories & More for Resellers

Crosslist & Inventory
Bluebox: Wholesale Clothing, Jewelry, Accessories & More for Resellers

In the world of reselling, sourcing for inventory is the key to success. It is essential to find low-cost items that can be sold for a profit. However, increasingly high prices at thrift stores have made it difficult for resellers to maintain a healthy bottom line.


Fortunately, there is a solution: Bluebox. With their vast array of products and unbeatable prices, resellers can stock up on inventory without breaking the bank, ultimately ensuring the success of their business with the correct strategy. Whether you're a seasoned reseller or just starting out, Bluebox is worth looking into.


What is Bluebox?

Bluebox is an eco-friendly online marketplace operated by Gulfstream Goodwill Industries in West Palm Beach, Florida. The non-profit organization puts together carefully selected boxes that contain various items such as clothing, electronics, home goods, and toys. They also repurpose salvaged items and sell them in pallets.


Bluebox Originals

Gulfstream Goodwill also has a clothing line called Bluebox Originals, available through the Goodwill Bluebox website. Designed with sustainability in mind, this line uses recycled clothing salvaged from damaged garments and restored through acid washing, dyeing, and tailoring, and the clothes are screen-printed.


With the help of Gulfstream Goodwill Industries Adult Day Training (ADT) participants, this program is able to offer not just environmentally responsible clothing but also opportunities for meaningful employment. Not only do ADT participants sort and prepare the clothes, but they also play a key role in the listing and inventorying of items on the web-based Goodwill Bluebox platform.


goodwill bluebox wholesale clothing

Photo credit: Recycled Roses, Unboxing My Goodwill Bluebox

Adult Day Training (ADT)

Transitions, a day program offered by Gulfstream Goodwill, supports adults with developmental disabilities. The program offers participants the opportunity to attend one to five days per week and focuses on enhancing employment skills and personal growth. Through literacy and computer classes, supported employment, career exploration, and on-the-job training, Transitions provides adults with the tools necessary to succeed in their chosen careers. In addition, personal growth classes covering life skills, health and safety, money management, and social events promote confidence and independence.


One unique aspect of the program is its video library, which offers participants a wide range of career options. Transitions also facilitate business tours and provide stress management strategies, helping individuals easily transition into the workforce. Furthermore, participants have the opportunity to resell donated items, thanks to Bluebox, which provides them with a source of income and helps them develop important entrepreneurial skills. Transitions is a great program for adults with developmental disabilities who are looking to improve their lives and achieve their goals.


Budget-Friendly Prices: Curated Boxes and Pallets

One of the most attractive aspects of Bluebox is its budget-friendly prices. By offering curated boxes and pallets, Bluebox allows resellers to purchase inventory in bulk at a lower cost compared to buying individual items in the thrift store. This not only saves money but also reduces the time spent on sourcing and managing stock.


Bluebox has made the process of purchasing a curated box or pallet online a breeze. The buying experience for a curated box is similar to that of any other e-commerce website, easy and straightforward. On the other hand, ordering a pallet requires an additional step of scheduling a pick-up. Rest easy, though, as the entire process is seamless and smooth, so you don't have to worry about a thing.


Curated Boxes

Curated boxes have become a popular way to receive a carefully selected assortment of clothing, jewelry, shoes, and other products that cater to a wide range of customers. Bluebox, ensures that their curated boxes only contain Grade A products, meaning there are no major holes or stains. With prices ranging from $20 to $400 and containing 5-30 pieces, these boxes come at a flat shipping fee of $7 via FedEx Ground.


It is important to note that the curated boxes are limited in stock and are replenished every Friday at 6 pm EST. Among the most popular, the 5 pounds mixed recycled jewelry, premium apparel, and vintage apparel boxes have been highly sought after. The variety of boxes offered caters to different style preferences and budgets, making it convenient and exciting to try new styles.


Side note: These curated boxes are not brand, size or gender specific, unless you purchase the brand-specific boxes such as the Men's Levis Jeans.


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Pallets may be the perfect option for resellers looking to buy larger quantities of merchandise. Pallets offer a greater volume of stock, making it easier to meet the demands of a growing customer base. However, it's worth considering that there are some downsides to ordering pallets from Bluebox. Unlike their curated boxes, there is no delivery available for pallets. Instead, you'll need to arrange to pick up your order from Lake Worth or Fort Pierce, Florida. It's important to note that Bluebox cannot assist with loading your pallet onto your truck, so it's necessary to come prepared with a truck and a helper.


Third-Party Pallet Pick Up and Delivery Service

For high-volume resellers that are located outside of Florida, getting to Bluebox pickup locations might not always be feasible. Utilizing a third-party pallet delivery service can be an alternative option. To make sure that using this service is worth the investment, it's best to purchase at least two or more pallets at a time. This way, you can rest assured that you're receiving your products in bulk and utilizing the delivery fees to their fullest potential. Keep in mind that third-party pallet delivery services will charge you depending on distance, timing, size of the pallet, location of pickup and delivery, and time of the year. So it's important to do your research and choose a reputable option that suits your needs.





Why The Goodwill Bluebox Is an Excellent Source for Resellers



Every year, millions of tons of clothes and electronics end up in landfills, contributing to a growing waste problem. In the United States alone, more than 17 million tons of textiles are discarded annually, while around 50 million tons of electronic waste is generated globally. The improper disposal of these items releases harmful chemicals and pollutants into the environment, contaminating soil, air, and water resources. Furthermore, the production of new products consumes valuable natural resources and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.


Choosing to shop second-hand can make a significant difference in reducing waste and conserving resources. Purchasing pre-owned items prevents them from ending up in landfills and decreases the demand for new products. In fact, extending the life of a piece of clothing by just nine months can reduce its environmental impact by 20-30%. Similarly, reusing electronics can save up to 5-20 times more energy than recycling alone.



In today's economic climate, high inflation is impacting consumer spending patterns, making it increasingly important for online resellers to find cost-effective ways to source inventory. Goodwill Bluebox can be a valuable asset for resellers navigating these challenges and maintaining a profitable bottom line. By offering products at significantly discounted prices, Goodwill Bluebox allows resellers to acquire inventory at a lower cost, providing an opportunity to maintain competitive pricing while still achieving healthy profit margins.


Additionally, the unique and rare items found at Goodwill Bluebox can be resold at higher margins due to their scarcity and appeal to niche markets. This enables resellers to differentiate themselves from competitors and attract customers seeking exclusive, hard-to-find products.


Supporting a Good Cause

As an online reseller, choosing to source your inventory from Goodwill Bluebox offers a variety of financial and environmental benefits and directly supports a good cause. When you purchase products from Goodwill Bluebox, you are positively impacting your community by contributing to the organization's mission of providing job training and employment opportunities for individuals facing barriers to employment, such as people with disabilities or those who have experienced long-term unemployment.


Goodwill has made a remarkable impact on the environment and communities by diverting over 3 billion pounds of goods from landfills annually. The success of Goodwill's programs can be attributed to the support and generosity of millions of donors and shoppers. These individuals play a crucial role in providing the resources necessary for Goodwill to continue its vital work in environmental stewardship and community development.


Unique Finds

One of the most significant advantages of sourcing inventory from Goodwill Bluebox is the chance to discover unique and rare finds that are not easily available elsewhere. These curated boxes are filled with an ever-changing assortment of items, ranging from vintage clothing and accessories to one-of-a-kind home decor and collectibles. By offering these exclusive products in your online store, you can set yourself apart from the competition and attract a loyal customer base that appreciates your distinctive offerings.


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Frequent Inventory Turnover

Goodwill Bluebox's frequent inventory turnover means that there's always something new and exciting to discover. This allows you to keep your store fresh and relevant throughout the year by offering a wide variety of merchandise that caters to different seasons and trends. Whether you're searching for cozy winter wear or stylish summer accessories, you can rest assured that you'll find the perfect items to complement your inventory and entice customers.


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Which Curated Box to Get?

Selecting which Bluebox curated box to get can get a bit overwhelming by all the options. How do you choose the one that's not a waste of money? Don't worry, I've got a tip for you- turn to the wonderful world of Youtube! That's right, watching unboxing videos on Youtube can be a great way to get a good idea of what type of boxes you might want to get.


bluebox unboxing

Photo credit: Youtube


Preview the Contents

Unboxing videos give you a sneak peek into the contents of various curated boxes, allowing you to see firsthand what other customers are receiving. This provides valuable insight into the types of products, their estimated worth, and their quality.


Honest Reviews and Opinions

YouTubers often share their personal thoughts and opinions on the Bluebox curated boxes they unbox. Listening to these reviews can help you understand the pros and cons of each option, ensuring you make the best choice for your preferences and budget.


Compare Different Boxes

By watching numerous unboxing videos, you can evaluate various curated boxes side by side. This enables you to consider the advantages and value of each alternative, ultimately guiding you toward making a knowledgeable choice.


Engage with the Community

The comment sections under unboxing videos are a goldmine of information, as viewers share their experiences and opinions about the featured Bluebox curated boxes. Engaging with this community can provide additional insights and help you make an even more informed decision.


Tips for Maximizing Profits with Goodwill Bluebox


To make the most of your Goodwill Bluebox experience, I recommend the following tips:


Stay Updated

Keep an eye on Goodwill Bluebox's website and social media channels to stay informed about new box releases, inventory updates, and special promotions. Sign up for their newsletter or text messaging to receive discounts or coupons.


Crosslist with Vendoo

Vendoo's crosslisting software is an invaluable tool for online sellers looking to boost their sales and expand their reach. By enabling users to seamlessly list their products across multiple platforms, such as eBay, Etsy, and Poshmark, Vendoo simplifies the selling process and ensures maximum exposure for each item. This increased visibility leads to a higher likelihood of attracting potential buyers, ultimately resulting in more sales and greater profits.


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Price Your Items Strategically

While the Bluebox program offers items at a significantly lower cost than retail, it's crucial to price your products competitively to ensure maximum profits. Familiarize yourself with eBay's Terapeak and research similar items in your niche to determine the optimal price range for your products. Don't forget to factor in shipping costs and any additional expenses associated with preparing the items for sale.


In conclusion, shopping at Goodwill Bluebox offers a truly remarkable experience that goes beyond merely finding one-of-a-kind items that showcase your individuality. By supporting sustainable practices, you're also playing a vital role in protecting the environment and promoting responsible consumption. Moreover, the funds generated through your purchases contribute to a noble cause, creating opportunities and empowering those in need.


So, the next time you're looking for the perfect shopping experience, consider Goodwill Bluebox – where you'll not only get exceptional value for your money but also make a meaningful impact on the environment and the lives of others.


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