From Poshmark to Multiple Marketplaces - 1,000 Sales on With Vendoo

Crosslist & Inventory
From Poshmark to Multiple Marketplaces - 1,000 Sales on With Vendoo

A little after her one-year anniversary as a Vendoo user, Heather announced to her Instagram followers that she had hit 1,000 sales using the #1 crosslisting and inventory management software for resellers. This is her story about becoming a “serious” reseller, using Vendoo to stay organized, and some of her best flips and tips to help others reach their goals as well. 


Thrifting Was A Way Of Life From An Early Age For This Reseller 

Heather Just Hit 1,000 Sales With Vendoo

Growing up, Heather’s mother took her thrifting and also used Buy, Sell, Trade stores to help cheaply rotate the closets of her growing children. This was an early lesson that thrifting was affordable, sustainable, and a great way to find new styles. 

Once she was old enough for her first job, Heather joined the team at her local Plato’s Closet, where she really learned a lot about both reselling and how to work the BST system. 


Poshmark Shopping Quickly Led To A Career In Reselling 


Heather found herself looking for a replacement pair of her favorite shoes and was thrilled to find them in her size, new in the box, for half the price she had originally paid, on Poshmark. This was a light-bulb moment where she realized that people will always be looking for deals and for items they can no longer get from stores by purchasing online. She started selling items out of her own closet in 2017. 


Once she ran out of inventory to sell by purging her own closet, she took her first trip to “the bins,” a Goodwill Outlet store in Queens, NY. It was a drive, but she learned that she could source inventory at a very low cost. Luckily, they eventually opened a store a bit closer to home. At this point, reselling was a fun hobby and great for some extra spending money. 


COVID Made Serious Resellers Out Of Many During Lockdown 


Furloughed from her corporate job during Covid, Heather started to take reselling more seriously in April of 2020. Like many of us, she had some free time and a desire to keep paying her bills during a time when many cities were in lockdown. This is when Heather really started to ramp up her sourcing and listing to get more sales flowing. 


Even after she started back to work, she felt like she had lost her inner hustle, and reselling helped fill that need for her. She could continue her 9-5 job and keep reselling at the same time, but she was going to need a little help to stay organized and list to more platforms. 


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Taking Reselling To The Next Level With Vendoo


Heather decided that she really needed some help crosslisting and managing her inventory across multiple platforms. She was already selling on eBay, Poshmark, and Mercari manually, but with Vendoo, she was able to add even more platforms. Finally, she was able to ditch all her spreadsheets because Vendoo kept track of everything she needed. It was the ability to easily delist and relist her items in bulk that really sealed the deal and made Vendoo a wise choice for her business. Taking advantage of one of the weekly live onboarding calls, Heather was able to learn the software quickly, and she immediately began to see results. Now, a year later, she’s crossed the 1,000 sale milestone using Vendoo. 


Best Flips And Newbie Reseller Advice From A Seasoned Seller 


The best advice Heather wants newer resellers to follow is to check comps, and she means really check them, not just a quick glance. You should research items and check their going-for rate and their sold price. Also, never buy items for your resell business “just because they are cheap.” If they aren’t going to sell, then you’ve wasted time listing and storing them when you could be sourcing better items. 


Finally, she suggests revising old listings. Using Vendoo’s bulk relisting tool is great for keeping your inventory fresh, but don’t forget to check for both platform and style trend updates and change up your stale listings every once in a while with new keywords. 


Some memorable flips for Heather were finding Gucci loafers at T.J. Maxx and selling them for 3x profit. Another great find was a Louis Vuitton fur coat that she bought at a church rummage sale for just $1.35. Once, she was able to find a purple label Ralph Lauren tie at the bins for 36 cents and sold it for $55! 


                                    Gucci loafersRalph Lauren tie

Final Thoughts And Where You Can Find Heather 


If you haven’t already, click the link below to give Vendoo a try! Get more eyes on your listings and find out why Vendoo is a reseller’s best friend. You can find Heather on Instagram at @FlipTheFind or at her Poshmark Closet


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