7 Must-Listen Podcasts For Resellers

Reselling Tips
7 Must-Listen Podcasts For Resellers

Listening to podcasts can offer a number of benefits. First, podcasts allow you to learn about a wide range of topics from experts in their fields, such as science, history, and current events. This can help you stay informed and broaden your knowledge base. Second, podcasts can be a great source of entertainment, providing an enjoyable and immersive listening experience. They can also be a convenient way to pass the time, whether you're driving to the next thrift store, thrifting, or cleaning out your reseller "death pile". Also, podcasts can be a useful tool for improving the way you learn tips and tricks from other resellers and the products or brands on the VeRo list.


After conducting surveys with multiple reseller groups and analyzing their responses, I was able to gather some useful insights. It's important to note that this blog post is not sponsored by any of the reselling podcast(s) mentioned - it is purely based on the feedback I received from resellers who responded to my surveys. After crunching the numbers, here is the list of podcast shows that are popular in the reselling world:


Thrifter Sisters

You can find this comedic reseller podcast on Apple. Episodes range typically about an hour to an hour and a half and offer in-depth insights interview style.


Lacey Urquhart and Lindsey Tessada interview resellers from all over the country to learn the ins and outs of the industry. You'll get honesty, insight, and laughter from each new guest. Informative and entertaining, this podcast is a great choice if you have some time on your hands!


Thrifter Sisters Podcast



Pure Hustle Podcast

You can find their podcasts on Apple, Spotify, and Youtube. Their show is about an hour long, and they have "Monday mini-episodes," which are 5-20 minutes long that are exclusive on their Youtube channel. There are about 327 episodes, and it is aired every Wednesday.


Pure Hustle Podcast


Mike and Orlando, the hosts of Pure Hustle Podcast, are eBay and Amazon resellers based in California. They started the podcast show back in 2018 as a platform to talk openly about the reselling lifestyle and struggles. The two entrepreneurs have been reselling for a decade on eBay and wanted to share their knowledge with the public. When it comes down to knowledge on reselling, Mike and Orlando are determined to show why they are the leading experts on the topics:


  • The highs and lows as a full time and part time reseller

  • Reselling news: primarily eBay-related content

  • Sharing BOLOs (be on the lookout) and

  • Listeners have the opportunity to share their Hustle of The Week.


As a listener of PHP for a while now, it's been great watching Mike and Orlando develop their reselling knowledge and expertise over time. Both have different approaches to reselling but they remain totally transparent, offering honest advice. It's not always easy when resellers push reselling platforms like Whatnot as the go-to place to find good deals, but that's why Mike and Orlando are so helpful in providing balanced, no-nonsense perspectives. For instance, they know the risks associated with Whatnot too - while it can look great on paper to buy high-margin items from Whatnot at an unbeatable price, if that product is too difficult to resell elsewhere then you're left with nowhere else for them to go other than being “inventory dumped”. It's these kinds of honest conversations which make me keep coming back to the PHP podcast!


Pure Hustle Podcast is the perfect resource if you're a reseller just starting out and looking for a no-nonsense podcast to help you dive into reselling. Their straightforward info, casual language, and reliable content each week make their show accessible to everyone. Plus, their tips and hints are useful when reselling, so you'll be sure to learn something from the podcast. And if that wasn't enough, they also have an active Discord community full of other resellers and true fans of the show who are always happy to lend a helping hand - so if you're ever stuck on reselling questions, you'll definitely find someone in that Discord willing to answer your queries! So if reselling is something you're interested in learning more about, The Pure Hustle Podcast should be at the top of your list.


Trash To Cash Podcast

Tune into Trash To Cash Podcast for the ultimate listening experience! Catch it on Apple, Spotify, and Youtube - there are 62 episodes to choose from that last an hour and a half each. And don't worry about remembering when new one's air - they drop randomly, so you never have to miss a beat!


Trash to Cash Podcast


Trash To Cash podcast started in 2021 and is run by 3 hosts that also have their own Youtube channels respectively:


  • Dave as NC Flipper (or Picker): multi-platform reseller such as eBay, Whatnot and Mercari. Most videos are thrift-with-me style

  • Kevin as Commonwealth Flipper (or Picker): multi-platform reseller such as eBay, Whatnot and Mercari. Most videos are thrift-with-me style

  • Carey as American Arbitrage: eBay reseller. Most videos are thrift-with-me style


Trash To Cash is the one for you if you're looking for a reselling podcast filled with laughs. Though I hadn't heard of it before writing this blog, after listening to a few episodes, it's easy to see why it's become such an entertaining show. The dynamic between the three reselling bros on the show makes catching up with their reselling activity so much fun that it feels like they're just sitting in your living room chatting around a TV. Plus, all the back-and-forth banter, hilariously unexpected surprises, and inside jokes make this podcast feel more like an interactive experience. However, if you are seeking reselling tips and prefer structure in your podcast, this isn't the one for you!


The Reseller Hangout Podcast

Listen to The Reseller Hangout podcast on Apple, Spotify, and Youtube for episodes that range from 10-30 minutes long. With over 125 episodes already out there, you will never be short of something new to listen to with no predetermined schedule!


The Reseller Hangout Podcast


Rob and Melissa Stephenson - aka the Flea Market Flipper - launched their podcast in 2021 called the Reselling Hangout. Aimed at reselling experts, the duo share their experiences from the many years they've spent on eBay and Facebook Marketplace reselling electronics and furniture! With a casual tone, Rob and Melissa discuss:


  • Reselling best practices

  • Invite reselling guest stars to come onto the show for special interviews

  • Reselling and sourcing strategies


On the Flea Market Flipper's Youtube channel, they also share technical how-to videos and items they picked up during their road trips.


Before I wrote this blog, I never heard of The Reseller Hangout podcast. It wasn't until I read the Forbes article last year that my curiosity was sparked. After listening to several episodes, it's safe to say I'm a huge fan! Rob has a great high-energy delivery style, and Melissa is wonderfully calm and collected while delivering reseller gold nuggets in every episode. Whether you're just starting out reselling or striving to become more successful at reselling, The Reseller Hangout Podcast can provide an insightful and encouraging source of news and education that fits any reseller's needs.





The Resellers Podcast

The Resellers Podcast is a paid private podcast hosted by Chris Lin (also known as Daily Refinement) and TechnSports. This podcast is also known as the Reseller Nirvana Podcast. You can only find the latest podcast content on their Patreon page by selecting one of their 3 tiered memberships or simply watching Chris' Youtube videos can help you gain valuable information about reselling and sourcing.


The Reseller Podcast


Chris and TechnSport started a reseller mastermind group called, Reseller Nirvana Podcast, at the beginning of 2020. The mastermind group includes a private Facebook group, weekly or bi-weekly Zoom calls with different coaches, and coaching to support resellers in mastering their skills. Each coach specializes in different niches in reselling like:

  • Toys

  • Shoes

  • Amazon

  • Online arbitrage

  • Media (CDs, books, video games)

  • Clothing (vintage or modern)

  • Jewelry


During my membership with the group, the podcast openly talks about:


  • mindset of being a full time reseller

  • technical tips and tricks

  • in-depth reselling strategies

  • scaling your reselling business with hiring


I can't recommend The Resellers Podcast enough for resellers who are looking for information and a sense of accountability. If you've been following Chris, also known as Daily Refinement's Youtube channel then you are well aware of the remarkable wisdom his videos offer. I'm proof that their reselling advice works — I've taken it all to heart and made significant progress on my reselling journey as a result. The community of resellers in addition to the step-by-step guide that is included with membership is definitely worth considering if you want to take your reselling skills to the next level. You'll never regret becoming a member!


The Nurse Flipper

Okay, this one is a bit different because the Reselling Live Chat Hangout is not necessarily a podcast (ie. you can listen to it on Apple, Spotify etc.) but this is more of a Youtube LIVE reseller chat and you can watch (or listen) to the reruns.


The Nurse Flipper Podcast


In 2020, Kat from Youtube's Nurse Flipper channel decided to add an exciting new twist on reselling by starting a live-streaming show called the Reselling Live Chat Hangout. Every Tuesday night Kat and her co-host would invite two resellers onto the show for an interview, giving viewers a unique peek into their reselling journeys and advice. During the live stream, viewers could chat with each other and the resellers, making this interactive event both enjoyable and informative. With a blend of practical reselling tips and insights provided by each guest, plus a lively chat full of shared success stories, this hangout has become one of the ultimate hotspots for everyone interested in learning or sharing reselling knowledge!


Watching a few reruns of the Reselling Live Chat Hangout gave me a better understanding of how captivating the show can be - especially when you catch it live. One of the major draws of this "podcast" type show is having the opportunity to watch it live and pose questions directly to featured guests. I find listening to their responses and hearing stories from different resellers incredibly informative and entertaining, as they often provide insights that I would have otherwise never known. Of course, tuning in also allows me to connect with other resellers which is an added bonus.


eBay The Right Way

You can find this podcast show on Apple, Spotify and Youtube. The show is about an hour long, with 92 episodes and is aired randomly (no schedule). Only available on Suzanne's Youtube channel, she highlights sellers' successes and monthly "What Sold" episodes.


eBay The Right Way Podcast


Suzanne Wells is a reselling mogul and an eBay influencer who has been making waves in the e-commerce world. She started reselling on eBay back in 2003 and since then, has grown her reselling business tremendously, earning her recognition amongst both Money Magazine and Martha Stewart. Now she's leveraging her knowledge to help other resellers find success by creating a Youtube channel & podcast where she interviews resellers from all corners of the nation!


Before I recently tuned into eBay The Right Way podcast, I had never heard of it, but I am glad I came across this show. Despite its catchy name, it is not all about eBay reselling – host Suzanne takes a different approach and interviews resellers from various platforms. Through their stories, the podcast captures resellers’ experiences and knowledge of reselling, making for interesting (and entertaining!) listening. This shows that reselling can be an enriching journey that involves exploration and learning – If you're searching for a captivating and diverse collection of stories, then this podcast is a perfect choice!


Listening to podcasts is a great way to learn because it provides an accessible, interactive, and in-depth source of learning that can be tailored to your individual needs. Podcasts can provide a great way to dive deep into topics that you are interested in without having to take the time or effort to read through long, dense articles. Additionally, podcasts are often supported by insightful conversations and interviews with experts, providing an excellent opportunity to gain knowledge from those with expertise on any given subject. Whether your goal is to stay up-to-date on the latest reselling news or learn a new reselling skill, podcasts can be an incredibly effective learning tool!


We'd love to hear from you in the comments below - what podcast are you currently listening to, and which ones do you plan on adding to your list by 2023?


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